Finding Your Place at The Table, in Jesus’ Presence

A place at the table

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Have you ever wondered how to find inner peace?

No matter who you are, where you’re from, or the personal “demons” you may have, you can always find your place at the table, in Jesus’ presence where his bread awaits.

In this week’s message, Pastor Jason shared the story of the Phoenician mother who ran to Jesus beginning him to help her daughter who was demon possessed. But then Jesus said something a bit… off putting to her (at least to our ears). He said, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.”

Did Jesus really call this young mom and her daughter, a bunch of dogs? The story can seem that way, but in an interesting twist (as there usually is), the story unfolds in a serious yet somewhat playful manner, when this mom convinced Jesus that her little “puppy” girl was deserving of her master’s affection, to get just a morsel of his healing and restorative Word, just as his people would’ve, and just as we might give our puppies that sit beneath our feet at meal time.

Listen to the whole message and see where Pastor J takes it — from real-life demons trying to torment, to a story of how his nephew’s lost his battle with “personal demons” that tormented him. And through it all, you’ll hear this overarching message: No matter who we are, where we’re from, or the personal “demons” we may have, there’s always a place for us at Jesus’ table.

Watch Pastor Jason’s story of how Jesus saved him and his daughter from a demonic attack:

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