Prayer & Patience: 3 Stories of Finding Inner Peace

Prayer & Patience: 3 Stories of Finding Inner Peace

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Have you ever wondered how to find inner peace?

The Book of James helps us find just that. James gave us three analogies, three strories how, with Prayer & Patience, finding inner peace is not out of reach. 

The Farmer: James didn’t say anything about how one farms — such as how and when to plant and harvest. He didn’t say how to work the soil, the kind of seed to use, the implements one needs, and the additional inputs and fertilizers that you need to help the crops along. He didn’t even mention any of those aspects of farming that you’d have some control over; but rather, those things you have no control over: the rain, the sun, the wind—the elements. 

Farmers know this—life happens. Weather happens. Two years ago my friend’s fields were decimated in one night; he lost EVERYTHING due to hail. All he could do was pray and wait patiently on the Lord. Throughout it all, he had peace. 

Moving down a couple verses, James said the Prophets of old did the same. In all truthfulness, Jesus was the last great prophet, at least with a CAPITAL “P”, but that doesn’t mean God hasn’t, nor still doesn’t, give prophetic voice to certain people – men like Martin Luther. Luther said what the church in his day didn’t wanna hear, and they tried to take his life for it (as they’d done to men like John Huss before him). 

The office of prophet doesn’t mean one who only foretells future events, but also one who speaks words of repentance to the current generation; and the men and women who often make such declarations often find themselves making enemies of the powers to be — people like Paulette Harlow, who’s been in the news recently. Harlow, 75, was sentenced to prison for two years for peacefully praying inside an abortion clinic. That’s all she did. Now she suffers. What more can she do but pray? 

Then there was Job. He had everything, then God allowed Satan to test him, and he lost it all: his farm, his hired help, his home, even his children (died). But throughout it all, Job remained faithful. Job sat in the dirt and prayed (and praised) to the LORD. 

Sometimes we ask: Why does God allow us to suffer so. Perhaps the simplest answer is so to we learn patience and perseverance through prayer, which leads to peace. As a Christian, those who need peace in their lives are looking to you when they long for peace. 

Let us all be a people who are prayerfully patient so we can demonstrate to our neighbors who true peace is produced.

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