The Power of Praying Like Jesus Did!

the power of praying like Jesus did


 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

What if our prayers could change the world?’ What if YOUR Prayers changed the world? Would that change the way you pray, and the way you live your life?  Today, we’re gonna talk about that very thing, all through the lens of the Lord’s prayer. Why do you say we get started?

We were studying soteriology, within a greater study of Christology, soteriology being the doctrine of salvation—specifically, Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, and his resurrection three days later. We were tasked to write a paper on our understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice for all humanity. One question kept stumping: “How could Jesus take upon the sins and justify the whole of humanity: past, present, and future, in one kairos span of time. My mind couldn’t fathom this, until…

My office faced Rice St in Roseville, and the traffic on the four lane road was always busy. Crossing the road was like playing a proverbial game of Frogger. While staring out the window, praying, and thinking about all this, I heard a voice in my mind head/heart/spirit  to me as clearly as you and I talk with one another. And… I heard the oddest of things: “Where did that car go?”  Huh, I asked? What car? 

(Was I going nutz – was I having a conversation with myself? LOL). Again, in the same clear voice, I heard: “Where did that white car go?”  I had to think about this… “Where did the white car go?” Down the road, I said in reply.

Once again, another question: Where is that car in relation to you? (Okay, now I’m really stumped.) I had to think about it some more… I said, the car is in my past. “Correct,” I heard. Then, once more: “Where was the car before you saw it?” The car was in my future, I replied. “Yes. Okay, how about when you saw the car through your window.”  “The car was in my present,” I replied.  “Correct again.”  Okay… now I’m starting to understand, I thought. But then, this zinger…

Once more, I heard in my spirit: “How about for the driver; where is he?”  My brain felt like it was working overtime. I concluded, for the driver, the driver was in the ever present moving forward. His past was in the rearview mirror. I was in his past. Yet his future was before him through the windshield. He could see the future, but he hadn’t arrived to it yet. The driver was always in the ever-present, moving forward.

Then, I heard this: “As it is for you and the driver, it is regarding Christ’s sacrifice. Christ is always only cross, always dying, and always arising from the grave.”

Now, Christ isn’t literally still on the cross, nor is he always in a perpetual state of dying and resurrecting, but I was starting to get the point. Here on earth, we experience time linearly; however, time works differently in Heaven’s dimension. There is no time (as we understand it) in heaven. It’s as though, when we are baptized and believe (no matter the order), our souls are transported to the moment in time when Christ took upon himself all our sins, shed his blood and died on our behalf. As He died, we too die at that moment (even though we had yet to be born). And as He came out from his grave three days later, we arose with him (in that moment of time). And thus, as it is/was with our salvation, so it is with the Kingdom of God.

YOUR KINGDOM COME (On Earth as it is in Heaven)

I have come to believe that Jesus came to manifest God’s heavenly kingdom on earth, but that was only the beginning. His Kingdom in heaven is always in the ever-present; just as God’s Kingdom on this earth is to be in the ever-present, moving forward into the future also. 

That is, until, at last, when the last trumpet sounds, and with a shout, Christ returns (comes again) to reign on this earth for a thousand years. And thereafter that millennial period, and after the final judgement has happened, the heavens and the earth will be remade, and the Kingdom of God will make it’s home with us for all eternity.

Now, with that long-winded opening, let’s look at some scriptures about the Kingdom of God (coming).  There are many. 

The word KINGDOM in Greek (βασιλεία) was used 162 times in the New Testament alone, often referring to the Kingdom of God/Heaven. The first instance we hear is in Matthew 3:2.  Let’s look at the whole passage surrounding it.  

READ Matthew 3:1–12

Now, let’s look at the Beatitudes. Twice, Jesus mentioned the Kingdom of heaven: READ Matthew 5:2–12

Okay, now let’s look at another passage. This was Jesus sending out the 72. READ Luke 10:1–12

John the Baptist said, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” What do you believe the characteristics of the Kingdom of Heaven that he and Jesus spoke of, are? WRITE THOSE DOWN.

“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in."

Jesus Christ, (Matthew 23:13, ESV)


How can we, as Jesus’ church, make sure we aren’t shutting the kingdom of heaven from people’s faces?

YOUR WILL BE DONE (On Earth as it is in Heaven)

It won’t be too long from now and Holy Week will be upon us. Maundy Thursday is always a very somber evening (as of course, is Good Friday). Jesus’ passion truly began that evening and into the wee-early morning hours in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus’ prayerful conversation with the Father is stunning, and almost remarkable. Let’s read it and discuss:

READ Luke 22:39–46

It seems as though Jesus didn’t want to go through what He knew was coming. He was the Messiah. This was, in part, his mission. He knew this before He created the Universe and constructed what we know as time. But while here, on this earth, He asked his Father in heaven to take his cup of suffering from him. Why?

Jesus knew that His Father’s (heaven’s) will was to supersede his own. He didn’t want to suffer, but he submitted to the Father’s will. He subordinated himself to the will of heaven.  In essence, He wanted what had been decreed in Heaven to be manifest here on this earth.


We can hear this a number of times throughout the Gospels. Two passages in John’s gospel account stand out to me. Let’s peek at them:


The Apostle Paul spoke of God’s will also. He said this:

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth."

Ephesians 1:7–10, ESV


How have you interpreted the Mystery of God’s will? Should it be a mystery? How is it a “mystery” to you?

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